
Symbol namn : Apron
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Symbol type : Freemason

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The apron in Freemasonry is an ancient symbol that has been used by priests in several different cultures. One has not only used a white cloak made of sheepskin, but it can be a white shield, white robe etc.

It is interesting that sheep are used. Because sheep are a symbol in the bible of common people who are more innocent than goats who are satan. So it can be seen as using just a symbol of a slaughtered sheep as a purity which it is not. But on the contrary, because if you read their religion and how they view us, it is with condescension and if not outright hatred.

The symbolism you can see it as that they got their purity by slaughtering a sheep. Which shows that they have no good intentions.

In all these modes of investiture, no matter what was the material or the form, the symbolic meaning intended to be conveyed was that of purity.

The apron derives its significance, as the symbol of purity, from two sources—from its color and from its material. In each of these points of view it is, then, to be considered, before its symbolism can be properly appreciated.

And, first, the color of the apron must be an unspotted white. This color has, in all ages, been esteemed an emblem of innocence and purity.

As to the material of the apron, this is imperatively required to be of lamb-skin. No other material shall be used.

Isaiah 18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

The apron is presented as the first gift to the neophyte when the persons first entrance into the Ancient Craft Freemasonry's. And thus it was presented to the Initiates of centuries ago in the Ancient Mysteries a sign and token that the virile energy of manhood was not inconsistent with sex purity a symbol of that control and restraint upon the animal passions and carnal lusts which prove a man free slave not even to his baser self.

Ceremony of investiture was common to all the ancient religious rites, will form another proof of the identity of origin between these and the masonic institution.

This symbolism also indicates the sacred and religious character which its founders sought to impose upon Freemasonry

The pure, unspotted lamb-skin apron is, then, in Masonry, symbolic of that perfection of body and purity of mind which are essential qualifications in all who would participate in its sacred mysteries.

Apron two parts

If you look at Apron, you actually see a pyramid approach from above.

The upper triangle

This triangle is a symbol of the all-seeing eye, the all-seeing eye is a symbol of the creator according to Freemasonry, or more correctly what Freemasonry sees as the creator. In secret societies as well as pagan beliefs, the creator is Lucifer.

The lower part with

The lower part symbolizes the created, the world we live in.

What the apron symbolizes according to Freemasons

¨Then again, we know of the reverence of "the ancient Egyptians for the famous Pythagorean Triangle, so-called because that Greek philosopher secured it from an Egyptian Priest.

In Egypt this was apparently termed the Triangle of Hur-Amun or Horus-Amon, the Savior Sun God with the ram's Head, the type being that of the young Spring Sun, at the moment when the year began, in the sign of Aries. The peculiar shape of this triangle, which is composed of a right angle of three units of measure by four, the hypotheneuse of which is exactly five, was liken to the form of an eye, the symbol of the Sun-god, the Sun itself being termed the "Eye of Heaven." This figure was the original type of the celebrated Egyptian Amulet, the "Eye of Horus" which has in course of time descended to our Masonic institutions as the "All Seeing Eye."

Källa Apron - frank c higgins

It is also known that this Triangle was extensively used to conceal the great mystery of the Egyptian religion, by which its initiates were taught that the multiplicity of gods comprised in the Egyptian pantheon, were after all only one Omnipotent but secret Creator, whom we are now able to learn by various inductive methods of great clearness, was none other than the great JEHOVAH, whom Moses publicly proclaimed to his people The key to the mystery lies in the letters I, O and B, which are also J, V and H, which were applied to the sides of the triangle in question and publicly denoted Isis, Osiris and Bonis, while the priests knew the initial letters of these words to be the secret mathematical formulae which to them seemed to be the Key to all visible creation because of its wonderful application to the main truths of Astronomy, Mathematics and Geometry.

Källa Apron - frank c higgins

One thing you should know is that when they write about the God of the Bible, it is not true. The god of the Freemasons as well as all secret societies as well as pagan religions and mythologies is not the same as the god of the Bible but Lucifer. Lucifer is the god of the mystery school.

These particular triangles have the peculiarity that the base of the first is the side of a square and its vertical axis the radius of a circle equal in area to that square, while the second shows the base of a square with relation to which the vertical axis is so very close to the radius of a circle of equal perimeter that the Egyptians really accepted it as such, although it goes a mere trifle over the mark and there is a secret way of discovering the exact truth, which they also possessed.

Now in multiplying the squares of this famous Pythagorean problem equally by four we secure the following figure:

6*6 36 squares corresponded to the Sun, {Osiris) or "Spirit" which was accorded that number in the great Mathematical philosophy of the Ancients.

8*8 64 square represented "Nature", {Isis) or "Matter".

10*10 100 square, "Human Destiny" as worked out in the scheme of the "Fall and Redemption" of Man.

Still more interesting, in the square taken as the base and the triangle E-C-D as the vertical section

thereof, we have the precise geometrical proportions of the great Pyramid of Gizeh.

All Pyramids involve the presence of two distinct triangles. One which constitutes the vertical section of such a monument and the other (four in number) which constitute its sloping sides.

Links to the symbol TAU.

But the presumption is made a positive certainty when we contemplate the fact that the famous Tan of the Egyptians and Israelites is the foregoing base line and vertical axis in the proportions of 16 and 10, spelling the great and sacred name of the Almighty, geometrically.